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Bioprotect wines

Although alcohol-fermentation management with a selected strain of Saccharomyces is a key first step in bioprotecting a must or wine, it is not sufficient step by itself

Once the wine is made, one of the highest risk of spoilage lies in Brettanomyces contamination, a yeast species able to develop in high-alcohol conditions. Malolactic bacteria, present in nature, are some of the most powerful tools in fighting against Brettanomyces in wine. This is one of the primary uses of our VINIFLORA® cultures: namely, to avoid the development of Brettanomyces following alcoholic fermentation through a perfect management of MLF and to close down the risk window. 

We know what impact Brettanomyces has on wine-flavor profiles: uniformity. All around the world and whatever the climate or the grape variety used, Brettanomyces gives the same taste and the same flavor profile. Helping winemakers around the world to fight this typical ‘Brett. flavor’ is definitively one great application for bioprotection.
