Low alcohol beer is thriving in Europe, and a shift towards low alcohol options is building momentum in the US as well; consumers are clearly showing a more pro-active adoption of healthier drinking habits and with it a desire to consume delicious alternatives to alcohol.
Unfortunately, low alcohol is often associated with low flavor. Developing and producing fermented beverages on an industrial scale that matches consumer expectations for healthy and tasty remains a challenge. “Especially with beer, you must go the extra mile”, says Ad van Etten, Senior Manager Commercial Development, “consumers don’t want a lesser substitute. The trend is for refreshing, clean labelled & full flavored fermented drinks that can hold their own.”
Low alcohol, high flavor
Using only their brewing skills and the specially selected NEER® yeast strain, brewers can produce a low alcohol beer that does not skimp on flavor. The ‘secret’ behind the concept is that this unique strain, which can be found in wine and beer through the ages but was previously unnoticed, consumes only a small part of the sugar but still finds a way to produce high levels of esters, which define that great beer flavor. “Instead of removing alcohol this new technology produces just the right amounts of alcohol and esters,” explains Sofie Saerens, Department Manager, FC&E.
Productivity and agility
NEER® is one of the latest technologies from Chr. Hansen, developed by a team of some of the most highly skilled fermentation experts in the industry. NEER® is unique in many ways, “not only does it deliver on quality”, according to Ad van Etten, “the fact that it is a direct inoculation solution makes for easier, faster and better controllable fermentation processes. This is what we consider crafting on an industrial scale.”
This is Fermentation. Redefined.