Science and patents

Where are we and what’s next?

Breast milk is best for infants – one of the reasons is its unique composition, fitting to the infant’s development stage. Human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) are the third most abundant solid component of breast milk. Since this discovery, it has become a focus area to add to the functional value of infant formula by bringing it closer to mother’s milk. Chr. Hansen currently produces five individual HMOs, representing more than 30% of total HMOs found in breast milk. The most abundant HMO is 2’-FL.

Next to the production of HMOs, we also invest strongly in further research and our own scientific studies to expand our expertise in this innovative field. Our research covers not only safety, growth and tolerance in infants,  but we are also looking for insights in immune support, as well as benefits on cognitive capacities and other areas.

While most commercialized HMOs today are for use in infant formula, we are also researching new application areas for various target groups, application forms and life stages. A key research area that we see highly relevant today are how HMOs can support immune health, tailored to life stages and needs. Understanding how HMOs can already foster a good start if supplemented during pregnancy or the benefits of HMOs for healthy aging are just some of our focus areas. Combining the many benefits of HMOs with our Chr. Hansen scientifically documented probiotic strains opens a new world of symbiotic for a wide range of applications. 

If you would like to learn more or want to discuss project cooperation, invitations to network or technical collaboration, get in touch with us



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