Man interacting with a petri dish

External collaboration

Chr. Hansen and Novozymes have joined forces to create Novonesis, a leading biosolutions partner. Working closely with our customers, we’re transforming the way the world produces, consumes and lives.

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World-class products require world-class cooperation. We invest significantly in our internal R&D capabilities and collaborate with external experts to understand the science behind our products and to facilitate the development of innovative new products.

External projects

Our R&D is engaged in more than 25 national and international collaboration projects. The collaboration partners belong to high level university groups and all projects are funded by external funding bodies. The projects cover many different topics from studying the physiology of lactobacillus strains to the prediction of biotechnology production processes. Some of the projects are listed below.

  • FoodTranscriptomics (DK) – Use of genomics tools to predict starter culture performance in food applications
  • SysMilk (EU) – Systems biology approaches to design of microbial communities for milk products.
  • BioPro (DK) – Development of the next generation processes for production of microbes.
  • HoloFoods: We expect to gain knowledge on how our microbial growth promotors (Bacillus and LABs) contribute to the well-being and growth of production animals. 
  • SmartProtein: Our participation in this project gives access to a large network of partners involved in the development of next generation food products based on non-animal proteins. Primary focus for us is to elucidate how fermentation will impact the functionality of these proteins. 

Networks and collaboration

We participate in relevant networks world wide, with a belief that strong partnerships will accelerate our advancements within the areas we operate.

Some of the important partnerships include:

  • LABIP – The Lactic Acid Bacteria Industrial Platform – EU based organization with the aim to influence and support publicly funded research on LABs in the EU.
  • IPA EU – The International Probiotic Association in Europe – EU based organization with the aim to improve the status of probiotics in the EU on the basis of scientifically documented strains.
  • Be-Basic – a Dutch funded research initiative to enhance innovations within biotechnology.
  • Food & Bio Cluster – Denmark based cluster organization within the food and bio-resource area to support and improve development and innovations within companies and knowledge institutions in the Danish food area.

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