

A fast, climate-friendly and cost-efficient fermentation solution that can brew 0.0% beer without any compromises

Alcohol-free beers are becoming compelling enough to crave

Consumers are increasingly demanding good non-alcoholic alternatives that support more mindful consumption and healthy living. Sustainability is also a key attribute consumers want to see in the food products and beverages they choose. Standing out in this area can differentiate both a product and a brand. 


Our solution

SMARTBEV™ NEER® is a maltose-negative yeast technology that creates the full beer experience without the alcohol. The NEER® yeast is unique as it can only metabolize monosaccharides and is crabtree negative. When given oxygen, it will respire and be metabolically active without producing any ethanol. These two features are what enable NEER® to brew alcohol-free beer (0.0% ABV). 


Brewing with SMARTBEV™ NEER®



Watch the video to learn how NEER® works

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Select the NEER® strain that fits your beer

The SMARTBEV™ NEER® range consists of three different Pichia kluyveri yeast strains that all brew tasty NAB/AFB.

NEER® Poly

For a more neutral impact of the yeast to brew a beer where the malt and hops shine 



For a refreshing balanced beer in between



NEER® Punch

For a fruit-forward beer, where the yeast flavors roll out their full ester characters 


Yeast format for agile and safe process

The product format is also unique and key for the successful production of non-alcoholic / alcohol-free beer. SMARTBEV™ NEER® comes in the Frozen Liquid Yeast (FLY) format securing the highest level of purity, long shelf life and most importantly direct pitching into the fermentation tank.

SMARTBEV™ NEER® is available in two different pack sizes for 50hL or 500hL brews.


NEER®: a real brewing solution

Water + malt + hops and yeast to ferment is the basic formula of beer that has yielded incredible beers of all varieties. NEER® offers a solution to continue crafting using the same basic ingredients and principles for the alcohol-free beers.

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