Consistency, the secret to avoid uniformity!
Wine is now a global discussion topic and a global market. Brands and branding will become more important in the next decade, and a successful brand needs excellent product definition. This definitional effort will help develop the brief for winemakers, grape selection by grape growers and also all communication and promotional elements: final product color, general flavor profile, labels, bottles, etc.
In this global move to more wine brands, consumers are asking for authenticity to not compromised; instead they want it to be preserved, emphasized and better communicated. Winemaking improvements do not lead to uniformity; on the contrary these result in a better expression of grapes, terroirs and the diversity of winemakers’ styles.
With consumers coming from various regions of the world and occasionally countries with a low per-capita wine consumption, delivering information about where the wine is made and how it is made will be key. Consumer demand for unbiased and authentic information will become the rule. Consumer expectations are pretty clear about what should be in the bottle: organic grapes, processed by the most natural processes possible, with limited adjunctions of products such as sulfites.