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Premium Saccharomyces for direct inoculation

The yeast was selected from the collection of Agricultural Research Council (ARC) of South Africa. In addition to direct inoculation possibility making lighter the winemaking workload, JAZZ™ brings out terroir expression while optimizing fermentation performance.

  • Provides a reliable fermentation even at low temperature (12°C/54°F)
  • Ensures an excellement compatibility with malolactic bacteria.


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Advantages of DVS®/direct inoculation

  • Secures equivalent fermentation performances and flavor profile to when rehydrated/acclimatized
  • Eliminates hassle linked to a caution rehydration and acclimatization:   
    • Clean vessels and stirring tools
    • Non-chlorinated water
    • Adjusted temperature
    • Respect of set times
    • Respect of stirring operations
    • Labor time and organization at the peaking time of winery activities
  • Saves overall time and labor

“All enologists note that winemakers do not rehydrate their yeast in the proper way” 
La Vigne No:299 July-August 2017, Marion Mazebea
