Game-changing coagulant enables up to one percent yield increase

Game-changing coagulant enables up to one percent yield increase
CHY-MAX® Supreme maximizes value by allowing the cheesemaker to produce considerably more cheese out of the same amount of milk.
Press Release | Apr 03. 2019 07:17 GMT

Chr. Hansen launches CHY-MAX® Supreme - the most precise and innovative coagulant on the market with superior functionality for modern cheesemakers

Groundbreaking innovations in the coagulant space are rare but Chr. Hansen, the world’s leading producer of coagulation solutions, is committed to constantly raising the industry standard for performance.

“We understand the challenges of modern cheesemakers who are under pressure to generate maximum value, increase flexibility, and meet customer demand for better functionality and convenient cheese formats. To accommodate those needs, we are delighted to bring our newest innovation to the market,” says Soeren Herskind, vice president, Commercial Development, Chr. Hansen.

CHY-MAX® Supreme is the third generation of the CHY-MAX® fermentation produced chymosin (FPC) range of coagulants and a result of five years of intensive research. It helps cheesemakers deliver a greater commercial return by offering:

  • Higher yield
    Produces up to one percent more cheese over the market leading coagulant without compromising whey quality
  • Faster and more precise production
    Processes more milk and cheese in less time
  • Superior functionality
    Better slicing and grating of cheese with reduced giveaways and controlled protein breakdown over time

Small change – big difference
“With a small but crucial change to our renowned CHY-MAX® enzyme, we are making a big difference across cheese production and functionality for Cheddar, Continental or Pasta Filata/Mozzarella cheese types,” elaborates Herskind.

“CHY-MAX® Supreme maximizes value by allowing the cheesemaker to produce considerably more cheese out of the same amount of milk. A one percent yield increase of global cheese production means more than 220 million kg more cheese without more milk to the vats. That is enough to satisfy the yearly cheese consumption of 15 million American consumers!

The benefits also enable our customers to reduce their environmental footprint and go hand in hand with the increased focus on sustainability. As such, this global launch is a good example of the type of sophisticated solutions that recently secured Chr. Hansen’s recognition by Corporate Knights* as the world’s most sustainable company,” Herskind notes.

Easy access to local expertise
Cheese producers obtain more than just a superior product offering when partnering with Chr. Hansen, whose status as market leader is reaffirmed by this launch:

“With experts based in over 30 countries, we are ready to go onsite and ensure our solutions work optimally in our customers’ products and production systems. Whether they want to optimize processes, develop new products, or reduce their environmental impact, Chr. Hansen is a wide-ranging partner with cultures, enzymes, digital tools for measuring coagulation, and local expertise to help our customers turn challenges into opportunities,” he concludes.

On January 22, 2019, Chr. Hansen was ranked as the world’s most sustainable company by Corporate Knights, a specialized Toronto-based media and investment research firm. Learn more: Chr. Hansen ranked as the most sustainable company in the world.

Chr. Hansen ist ein weltweit tätiges, breit aufgestelltes Biotechnologie-Unternehmen, das Lösungen mit natürlichen Inhaltsstoffen für die Lebensmittel-, Ernährungs-, Pharma- und Agrarindustrie entwickelt. Bei Chr. Hansen sind wir hervorragend positioniert, um positive Veränderungen durch mikrobielle Lösungen voranzutreiben. Seit fast 150 Jahren setzen wir uns für eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft, bessere Lebensmittel und ein gesünderes Leben für mehr Menschen auf der ganzen Welt ein. Unsere mikrobielle Plattform und Fermentationstechnologie, einschließlich unseres vielfältigen und beeindruckenden Bestands von rund 50.000 mikrobiellen Stämmen, besitzen bahnbrechendes Potenzial. Abgestimmt auf Kundenbedürfnisse und internationale Trends erschließen wir weiterhin die Kraft guter Bakterien, um auf weltweite Herausforderungen wie Lebensmittelverschwendung, globale Gesundheit und den übermäßigen Einsatz von Antibiotika und Pestiziden zu reagieren. Als das weltweit nachhaltigste Biotechnologie-Unternehmen berühren wir jeden Tag das Leben von mehr als 1 Milliarde Menschen. Unser Ziel „Grow a better world. Naturally“ wird angetrieben durch unsere Innovationsgeschichte, Neugierde und Pionierarbeit in der Wissenschaft und ist das Herzstück von allem, was wir tun.

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