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Chr. Hansen und Novozymes haben sich zusammengetan, um mit Novonesis einen führenden Partner für Biosolutions ins Leben zu rufen. Wir arbeiten eng mit unseren Kunden zusammen und sind dabei, die Art und Weise umzugestalten, wie fast alles auf der Welt produziert und verbraucht wird.

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Chr. Hansen Holding A/S has a sponsored Level 1 American Depositary Receipt (ADR) program in the US with J.P. Morgan Chase Bank N.A. acting as depositary bank.
Chr. Hansen ADRs trade in the US over-the-counter (OTC) market. From February 19, 2019 four Chr. Hansen ADRs will represent one Chr. Hansen share (4 ADRs: 1 ordinary share). 

What is an ADR?

An ADR is a USD-denominated negotiable certificate that represents ownership of shares in a non-US company. Each ADR is issued by a US depositary bank and represents one or more shares of a foreign stock or a fraction of a share. ADRs were specifically designed to facilitate the purchase, holding and sale of non-US securities by US investors.

Want to know more?

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