Chr. Hansen Natural Colors transaction closed

Chr. Hansen Natural Colors transaction closed
The divestment follows the 2025 Strategy of Chr. Hansen becoming a differentiated bioscience company with focus on the microbial and fermentation technology platforms.
Press Release | mars 31. 2021 11:59 GMT

Divestment of Natural Colors to EQT closed as of March 31, 2021 

Chr. Hansen Holding A/S and EQT today announced the completion of the transaction announced on September 26, 2020, whereby EQT and Chr. Hansen Holding A/S entered into an agreement with the purpose of EQT to acquire the Natural Colors division from Chr. Hansen Holding A/S.

The divestment follows the 2025 Strategy of Chr. Hansen becoming a differentiated bioscience company with focus on the microbial and fermentation technology platforms. The total consideration for the transaction is EUR 800 million on a cash and debt free basis which Chr. Hansen has already received. Transfer of business activities is completed, however, the full legal transition in a few countries will be finalized during the coming months.

Financial implications 

The proceeds from the divestment will be used to reduce the leverage of Chr. Hansen. Also, as announced in connection with the Annual General Meeting on November 25, 2020, Chr. Hansen intends to pay out an extraordinary dividend at least equal to a normalized ordinary dividend for 2019/20, and will initiate the standard process for paying out extraordinary dividends. More information on the timing of the extraordinary dividend can be expected in connection with the Q2 announcement on April 15, 2021.

The one-off profits from the transaction, which is the difference between the book value of the transferred assets and liabilities and the transaction value received, will be accounted for as part of the profits from discontinued operations in Q3. The impact is estimated to be around EUR 650 million after taxes and transaction costs associated with the divestment.

The divestment covers business operations with asset transfers in more than 30 countries including transfer of 5 separate corporate entities and around 600 employees. Consistent with the transaction agreement, Chr. Hansen undertakes to provide various transition services for a period of up to two years to Natural Colors/EQT to ensure continuity of Natural Color business activities. The costs associated with Chr. Hansen corporate activities in Natural Colors that are not transferred to EQT will be partly covered by the fees from the transition services agreements, and will not impact the guidance on EBIT margin b.s.i. for this year.

Chr. Hansen est une entreprise internationale spécialisée dans la bioscience qui se démarque et met au point des solutions naturelles pour les secteurs alimentaire, nutritionnel, pharmaceutique et agricole. Chez Chr. Hansen, nous bénéficions d’une position unique pour stimuler un changement positif au travers de nos solutions microbiennes. Depuis près de 150 ans, nous travaillons en faveur d’une agriculture durable, d'une meilleure alimentation et d’un mode de vie plus sain pour une part croissante de la population mondiale. Nos plateformes technologiques de solutions microbiennes et de fermentation, qui incluent notre vaste collection d’environ 50 000 souches microbiennes importantes, ont le pouvoir de changer la donne. En répondant aux besoins des consommateurs et aux tendances mondiales, nous libérons le potentiel des bonnes bactéries et relevons les défis planétaires du gaspillage alimentaire, de la santé mondiale et de la surconsommation d’antibiotiques et de pesticides. À titre d’entreprise de fabrication d’ingrédients alimentaires la plus durable au monde, nous intervenons quotidiennement dans la vie de plus d’un milliard de personnes. Motivés par notre tradition d’innovation et notre curiosité de pionniers de la science, notre objectif qui consiste à « cultiver un monde meilleur, naturellement » est au cœur de chacune de nos actions.
