Chr. Hansen reports improved growth momentum in Q2

Chr. Hansen reports improved growth momentum in Q2
The second quarter, seeing increased growth, was in line with expectations.
Press Release | avr. 16. 2020 06:03 GMT

5% organic growth in Q2 elevates year-to-date organic growth to 3%

Organic revenue growth of 5% in Q2, corresponding to 4% EUR growth, with an improving momentum in all areas as expected: Food Cultures & Enzymes 5%, Health & Nutrition 8% and Natural Colors 1%, lifting the group organic revenue growth in the first six months of 2019/20 to 3%. In Q2 EBIT before special items increased by 6% to EUR 83 million, and EBIT margin before special items increased to 28.2%. The full-year outlook is unchanged.

CEO Mauricio Graber says: “We are pleased that all three business areas improved the growth momentum in Q2, as expected. Food Cultures & Enzymes delivered solid organic growth as we continue to deliver advanced technology that can help our customers innovate, improve food quality, reduce waste and drive down costs. Especially innovative dairy enzymes, like CHY-MAX® Supreme and NOLA® Fit are doing very well, and bioprotection grew approximately 15% in Q2. In Health & Nutrition, Animal Health continued to perform strongly driven by BOVAMINE® Dairy probiotics; and Human Health also delivered solid growth. Natural Colors showed positive growth, despite continued negative raw material price impacts and challenging market conditions, as growth and profitability of FRUITMAX® was strong.

"Our Q2 EBIT margin before special items was up by 0.4%-point, and as we continue to see scalability benefits in production, we have also managed costs carefully while sustaining investments in growth opportunities and innovation across our three business areas. Growth in free cash flow before acquisitions and special items in Q2 was 18%. Our cash position is very strong, and we have more than two year’s free cash flow worth of committed, undrawn credit facilities. Our policy of paying out 40-60% of net profits as ordinary dividends is unchanged.

"The second quarter was in line with our expectations. The COVID-19 outbreak in China did not have a material impact on our business in Q2, however, it is clear that we will see both favorable and unfavorable impacts in the second half of the year, as the virus has spread globally. Chr. Hansen is part of the global food supply chain and has strong offerings for the food, health and nutrition industries. Customers are securing safety inventories to ensure supply continuity to consumers that are buying more at grocery retail as they comply with stay at home government directives. The health and safety of our employees and continuity of service to our customers are our primary concerns, but so far we have managed to have all our production sites running at normal operations and have also continued to deliver on customer commitments. Based on the business performance in the first part of the year, we maintain our guidance for the full year, although subject to greater macroeconomic uncertainty due to COVID-19. We also postpone the CMD to focus on business continuity and operations.”

The full-year outlook is maintained, but assumes no significant supply disruption from COVID-19. 

Chr. Hansen est une entreprise internationale spécialisée dans la bioscience qui se démarque et met au point des solutions naturelles pour les secteurs alimentaire, nutritionnel, pharmaceutique et agricole. Chez Chr. Hansen, nous bénéficions d’une position unique pour stimuler un changement positif au travers de nos solutions microbiennes. Depuis près de 150 ans, nous travaillons en faveur d’une agriculture durable, d'une meilleure alimentation et d’un mode de vie plus sain pour une part croissante de la population mondiale. Nos plateformes technologiques de solutions microbiennes et de fermentation, qui incluent notre vaste collection d’environ 50 000 souches microbiennes importantes, ont le pouvoir de changer la donne. En répondant aux besoins des consommateurs et aux tendances mondiales, nous libérons le potentiel des bonnes bactéries et relevons les défis planétaires du gaspillage alimentaire, de la santé mondiale et de la surconsommation d’antibiotiques et de pesticides. À titre d’entreprise de fabrication d’ingrédients alimentaires la plus durable au monde, nous intervenons quotidiennement dans la vie de plus d’un milliard de personnes. Motivés par notre tradition d’innovation et notre curiosité de pionniers de la science, notre objectif qui consiste à « cultiver un monde meilleur, naturellement » est au cœur de chacune de nos actions.
