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Support children’s respiratory wellness using the DDS-1® and UABla-12™ probiotic strains

An occasional runny nose, throat irritation and respiratory challenges are among the most common childhood health problems.1, 2 On average, pre-school children experience three occurrences a year and the likelihood of these respiratory discomforts is 2-3 times higher in children who attend daycare.3 These challenges may not only impact the children but also the parents and caregivers as babysitting and absence from work is often necessary.1


A unique two-arm study suggests that short-term supplementation with selected probiotic strains may help ease common respiratory childhood challenges.


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Learn more about the study

Support children’s respiratory wellness using the DDS-1® and UABla-12™ probiotic strains

The L. acidophilus, DDS-1® and Bifidobacterium, UABla-12 probiotic strains have been carefully selected by Chr. Hansen and combining the two strains represents an ideal solution for supporting respiratory health in children.

The results of a scientific study that included 240 healthy children aged from 3 to 12 years old showed a significant decrease in the number of days that children were away from daycare or school, as well as fewer lost workdays for caregivers in the probiotic group compared to placebo. A decrease in the duration and degree of respiratory tract discomfort was also observed in the probiotic group compared to the placebo.4


The L. acidophilus, DDS-1® and Bifidobacterium, UABla-12 probiotic strains may benefit the respiratory health of children

A scientific study in children aged 3 to 12 years suggests that the DDS-1
® and UABla-12 strains may:

  • Support immune and respiratory tract health4
  • Reduce the degree and duration of respiratory tract challenges4
  • Reduce the number of days children spend away from daycare and school4
  • Reduce the number of days caregivers miss from work4.

The L. acidophilus, DDS-1® and Bifidobacterium, UABla-12 strain combination can be produced in multiple dosage forms appropriate for children, such as sachets, chewable tablets, blends and other powder solutions. The combination is available in various flavors and can be customized to your specific needs.

1 Lenoir-Wijnkoop et al. PLoS One, 2015; 10(4):e0122765.
2 Zoorob et al. Am Fam Physician. 2012 Nov 1;86(9):817-822.
3 Lu et al. Child Care Health Dev 2004; 30: 361–8 |
4 Gerasimov SV, Ivantsiv VA, Bobryk LM, et al. Eur J Clin Nutr 2016;70:463-9.


DDS-1® and UABla-12 are trademarks of Chr. Hansen A/S.

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Please fill out the form to download the white paper about the study "Support respiratory wellness in children with probiotic strains DDS-1® and UABla-12".

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