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Chr. Hansen inaugurates new Customer & Application Center for Meat & Prepared Foods

апр 28. 2023 10:57 GTM

A nice reason to celebrate at Chr. Hansen: After the completion of the first expansion stage, the new Customer and Application Center at Pohlheim, Germany went into operation in te beginning of March 2023.

Pohlheim is Chr. Hansen’s global center of excellence and at the same time the world’s biggest and most modern production site being fully dedicated to food cultures for meat and prepared foods.

“In 2018, we expanded our production area by 60%. We have now invested another EUR 11 million and are thus setting an additional milestone in the development of our facility here in Pohlheim,” says Charlotte Lorentzen, Plant Director Pohlheim.

On four floors, and on a total of 1,200 m² the new building covers a state-of-the-art laboratory area for microbiological and physicochemical analyses, a modern pilot plant for all types of processed meats and prepared foods, including four new maturing and cooking chambers, as well as a customer center for innovation days and training courses on all aspects of the use of good bacteria.

Michael Erkes, Sales Director Meat & Prepared Foods, explains: “Fermentation is literally on everyone’s lips because it makes our food tasty, durable and safe. The close collaboration with our customers is a decisive element to unleash the vast innovation potential of good bacteria. Our new Customer and Application Center provides a fantastic platform to further strengthen this cooperation – both in the classical segment of fermented meat products, as well as in applications such as seafood, hotdogs or plant-based products.”

The core of the investment is a biosafety class 2 area with a microbial laboratory and a meat processing pilot plant, which will enable to work with pathogenic bacteria such as Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella enterica, for instance, to conduct both storage and process challenge tests. “Based on such test series, we research and validate the effect of our food cultures on harmful bacteria that can cause serious foodborne infections. Thus, we can harness the Power of Good Bacteria™ in a targeted way, to make food more durable and safe, based on the natural mechanisms of fermentation. In doing so, we provide an essential contribution towards a more sustainable, resilient and efficient food system,” adds Tim Martin Seibert, Application Manager Meat & Prepared Foods Pohlheim.

Following the first expansion stage, the refurbishment of an adjacent laboratory wing has just started. Véronique Zuliani, Director Global Application, and her entire team in Pohlheim are looking forward to the full completion of the expansion by the end of 2023: “Going forward, we are very pleased to provide to our customers the next level of service and quality!”


Chr. Hansen – дифференцированная глобальная бионаучная компания, которая разрабатывает натуральные решения для пищевой промышленности, сельского хозяйства и фармацевтической отрасли. Компания Chr. Hansen обладает уникальными возможностями для изменения мира к лучшему с пмощью микробиологических решений. Вот уже более 150 лет мы помогаем создавать в мире устойчивое сельское хозяйство и более качественную продукцию, способствуя оздоровлению образа жизни людей. Значительный потенциал имеют наши платформы микробиологических решений и технологий ферментации, а также коллекция микробиологических штаммов, насчитывающая более 50 000 образцов. Отвечая потребностям заказчиков и глобальным тенденциям, мы продолжаем раскрывать потенциал полезных бактерий, способствуя тем самым решению таких глобальных вопросов, как пищевые отходы, здоровье населения, резистентность к антибиотикам и использование пестицидов. Будучи самой устойчивой в мире биотехнологической компанией, Chr. Hansen поставляет решения, которые ежедневно используют более миллиарда человек. Мотивированные стремлением к новаторству и жаждой научных знаний, наши сотрудники ставят перед собой задачу «To grow a better world. Naturally». – Этот девиз лежит в основе всей нашей деятельности.
