乳糖-N-四糖 (LNT)
母乳低聚糖LNT (Lacto-N-Tetraose) 是母乳中含量最丰富的一种HMO,是中性的HMO的代表。
含氮的LNT是母乳中最重要的一种益生元。 它选择性地支持人体所需的双歧杆菌的生长,从而促进新生儿体内天然微生物菌群的发育1、2。
此外,LNT还展现有益于免疫系统的辅助作用 3。
LNT的其他益处包括通过抑制有害菌的黏附4 和有害菌蛋白的附着来减少其带来的问题5。 经证明,添加中性HMO6 后有害菌的生长得以减少。
MyOli™ is a trademark of Chr. Hansen A/S.
1 Bode, Lars. “Human milk oligosaccharides: prebiotics and beyond.” Nutrition reviews 67.suppl_2 (2009): S183-S191.
2 Gotoh, Aina, et al. “Sharing of human milk oligosaccharides degradants within bifidobacterial communities in faecal cultures supplemented with Bifidobacterium bifidum.” Scientific reports 8.1 (2018): 1-14.
3 Özcan, Ezgi, and David A. Sela. “Inefficient metabolism of the human milk oligosaccharides lacto-N-tetraose and lacto-N-neotetraose shifts Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis physiology.” Frontiers in Nutrition 5 (2018): 46.
4 Craft, Kelly M., and Steven D. Townsend. “The human milk glycome as a defense against infectious diseases: rationale, challenges, and opportunities.” ACS infectious diseases 4.2 (2018): 77-83.
5 El-Hawiet, Amr, Elena N. Kitova, and John S. Klassen. “Recognition of human milk oligosaccharides by bacterial exotoxins.” Glycobiology 25.8 (2015): 845-854.
6 Lin, Ann E., et al. “Human milk oligosaccharides inhibit growth of group B Streptococcus.” Journal of Biological Chemistry 292.27 (2017): 11243-11249.