Silage inoculants

With our silage inoculants, we enable farmers to improve silage quality while obtaining a more sustainable production based on natural solutions

It is said that we are what we eat. The same goes for cattle. Fresh, nutritious silage prepared with beneficial bacteria supports normal health and performance for your beef and dairy cattle. Ensiled forages account for most of the beef and dairy rations around the world. The main purpose of ensiling forages is to preserve their nutritional value and palatability while reducing organic dry matter losses. Proper silage management can have a significant impact on the overall profitability of the herd.

Building on almost 150 years of expertise in bacteria culture science, we have developed natural microbial inoculants for better quality silage to address the challenges that beef, and dairy producers face every day. At Chr. Hansen, we have the expertise and the products to assist all types of producers and business partners with a high degree of specialist industry knowledge.  

Containing unique strains of lactic acid bacteria, our silage inoculants enhance silage quality by improving fermentation while inhibiting the growth of yeast and mold.

  • Feed the silage when it is needed
  • Avoid top layer spoilage
  • Keep a consistent silage quality. 


A more sustainable production

Our silage inoculants for dairy and beef cattle are an integral tool for producers worldwide in their endeavor to obtain a more sustainable production based on natural solutions. Providing good bacteria for silage, our inoculants have a direct, positive impact on the farmer’s sustainability profile by:

  • Reducing forage dry matter loss, which in turn reduces CO2 emissions.
  • Reducing protein breakdown, which in turn reduces the ammonia output.
  • Reducing wastage and improving silage preservation and palatability.
