

科汉森 汉森改善食品和健康的愿景是我们所有工作的指导原则。为了让我们的行动有更好的指导依据,我们制定了一系列政策和立场,以描述我们如何针对具体问题采取行动,并确立我们在与员工和外部利益相关者相关的具体事项上的立场。


商业诚信 打开 关闭

传播 打开 关闭

公司治理 打开 关闭

Diversity, equity and inclusion 打开 关闭

财务和 IT 打开 关闭

税费 打开 关闭

人员、知识和组织 打开 关闭

质量和产品安全 打开 关闭

Salery transparency report 打开 关闭

With the aim of promoting equal pay for women and men, the Brazilian Government has recently enforced a law requiring all companies with more than 100 employees to share a report displaying data (compiled by the Brazilian Government) on remuneration between the genders – you can find the report for legacy Chr Hansen and legacy Novozymes here

As a company we believe in offering equal opportunities and ensuring that both women and men have the same rights, responsibilities, and opportunities for advancement based on merit. We are committed to ensure equal pay for equal work, and we will continue to champion diversity and inclusivity in all aspects of our operations. We welcome all initiatives that promote equality and diversity. The data is compiled by the Brazilian Government, and you can read more about the context to the reports here.

