
Silage management

Proper management of forage crops is one of the cornerstones of efficient livestock production

Market challenge

Ensuring a profitable farm and operational efficiency is not a trivial exercise – but attention to detail during silage-making constitutes one of the most important parts of dairy economics. A few days’ work may result in an entire year of benefits or losses.

Recent years have been marked by below-average rainfall and above-average temperatures in several parts of the world. These conditions require changes to normal annual harvest and forage management practices. Good silage is a result of good ensiling material, good management of silage making (pre-and post-harvest as well as particular care of the feed-out period), and the best inoculants. If met, these criteria enable farmers to prepare good and stable silage with high nutritional value and stability across the season. Otherwise, neglecting each of those steps may lead to problems with aerobic stability and the overall quality of the silage.


Our solution

We offer a wide range of silage inoculants to enable farmers’ efficient livestock production. Our products are tested across the globe in multiple environments, conditions and on-farm situations.

