

Bacterial inoculant for reduced top-layer spoilage of silage

Top layer spoilage is a result of diffusion of oxygen through the cover along with insufficient compaction. The growth of undesirable spoilage microorganisms may also lead to the production of mycotoxins. The result is extra work to remove the spoiled top layer and problems with stability at feed out.


SILOSOLVE® OS protects your top layer

SILOSOLVE® OS is a powerful silage inoculant that combines the effects of rigorously selected, proven lactic acid bacterial strains with a unique strain, Lactococcus lactis O224, known for its superior oxygen scavenging ability. In combination, the three bacteria shorten the time to an anaerobic state in silage. The novel combination of bacteria ensures a rapid reduction in the pH of the top layer, which enhances the effectiveness of sodium benzoate as a preservative. Together with sodium benzoate, the bacteria inhibit the growth of yeast and mold and promote fermentation, making SILOSOLVE® OS ideal for top-layer treatment. 


SILOSOLVE® OS inhibits the growth of yeast and mold in the top layer

Results from nine farms consistently showed reduced levels of mold and yeast in maize silage treated with SILOSOLVE® OS. The bacterial strains created the optimal condition for the sodium benzoate to keep spoilage microorganisms in check and the value of your silage well preserved.

Figure 1: The effect of treating the top layer of maize silage with SILOSOLVE® OS 

SILOSOLVE® OS keeps top layer stable

SILOSOLVE® OS effectively improves aerobic stability by reducing yeast and mold growth in a variety of crops. The longer it takes silage to surpass 3.0°C above the ambient temperature, the more stable it is. Forages ensiled with SILOSOLVE® OS are more stable than untreated silage.

Figure 2: SILOSOLVE® OS keeps the top layer stable

Grass ensiled at 26.5% dry matter 

SILOSOLVE® OS improves dry matter recovery

SILOSOLVE® OS features a trusted combination of three bacterial strains that accelerates fermentation and improves dry matter recovery up to 6.6% points in challenged difficult-to-ensile silages, while stabilizing the top layer. Not only does this result in more feed for cows, it reduces the amount of labor needed to remove the spoiled top layer.

Figure 3: SILOSOLVE® OS improves DM recovery

* p<0.05 significantly different from untreated

Specific trail data available upon request. 

What’s inside SILOSOLVE® OS?

SILOSOLVE® OS contains two fast-growing and competitive lactic acid bacteria, plus a unique strain of Lactococcus lactis O224. This combination improves fermentation processes and inhibits growth of yeast and mold, resulting in improved aerobic stability at feed out. Furthermore, there is a strong anti-fungal effect achieved through the addition of the preservative sodium benzoate.

SILOSOLVE® OS is ideally suited for all ensiled crops, especially those ensiled at higher than ideal dry matter.

