Keep it great

PhageWatch™ Enabling effective phage management


Reduce the risk of phages by leveraging the combination of robust cultures, world-class application support and PhageWatch service. 



Phage attack costs  |  How our solutions help – case of European yogurt producer  |  How to filter samples  |  How to get started  |  Contact us

What can be the cost of a phage attack?

We offer solutions for better management

Phage insight overview

Compiling insight from years of phage support around the world for a wide array of cultures and applications, we have identified the main contributing factors to phage levels. We have therefore built our PhageWatch service and digital tool to help you and your team identify, monitor, and manage these factors. 

How to get started


Reach out to get access Open Close

Contact us here or reach out to your Novonesis representative directly with a list of your team that needs access to PhageWatch. If someone from your team leaves your company, just let us know and we will deactivate their account.  

Get access to PhageWatch

Get the most out of the PhageWatch™ features Open Close

Once you are logged onto PhageWatch, use the side bar navigation on the left to find the "Help" section. Click on the "Help" section to expand our full guide of step-by-step information on how to use the features. Click on the subject you would like to know more about and a pop-up will appear with images and text to help guide you.

How to filter samples

Watch our videos below or download our .pdf guides for best practices on filtering different types of samples. Please use a 0.45 µm filter for the best results.

Standard whey

Fresh dairy

How can our solutions help you detect and avoid phages and implement a tailored phage management system?

When you incorporate our products into your production, you also gain access to on-the-ground support through our global phage network, and to our PhageWatch digital service.

Our technical experts work alongside you to monitor and audit your production and offer tailored recommendations for improvements.

PhageWatch helps with monitoring and analyzing through a user-friendly online interface.

See our customer success case

Frequently asked questions


What is the benefit to me of entering information into PhageWatch?

We will supply you with relevant feedback such as testing results and recommendations that will benefit your production and help to reduce the risk of phage. 


Does it matter what information and how I enter into PhageWatch?

It does, very much. To be able to deliver useful data trends and benchmarks, we need data to be as consistent as possible and input into the assigned fields. If it is not, you will get wrong/less accurate recommendations. As an example; If you select that a sample is from “VAT sequence 1” and it is from “VAT sequence 28” the opportunity to get useful recommendations will be reduced.


Who is handling the information in PhageWatch?

At Novonesis, we protect your data. Only relevant Novonesis personnel have access to the information in PhageWatch so we can best support you and deliver the results you need.


Who to contact if?

If you need anything, please contact your current sales representative and our hotline support at the email: [email protected]