Woman holding her stomach

Gastrointestinal balance

We offer probiotics for gastrointestinal balance, which is the biggest product area globally – reflecting consumer needs

The gastrointestinal microbiota – i.e., the bacteria living in our intestines – constitutes the largest part of the human microbiome. The bacterial balance in our gastrointestinal tract is important for ensuring proper digestion and general wellbeing. 

Common gastrointestinal discomforts

We want to have a well-functioning bowel characterized by regular bowel movements, normal transit time and stool consistency. However, sometimes the balance is disrupted due to e.g., diet, antibiotics or foreign bacteria, resulting in a variety of discomforts, ranging from slow bowel function with lumpy and hard stools, to too fast digestion with frequent loose and watery stools, not to mention bloating or passing of gas. 

We offer:

We offer probiotics that may help support or restore the gastrointestinal microbiota:

  • Everyday intestinal balance - surveys show that 15-20% of consumers are concerned about their digestive wellbeing1
  • Antibiotic-associated digestive discomfort – antibiotics may disrupt the balance between the good and bad bacteria inside and cause various degrees of soft stools. 
  • Upset stomach – loose stools and frequent bowel movements can occur among infants and children because their gastrointestinal microbiota is still developing. Travelers are also prone to experiencing an upset stomach caused by either a change in diet or exposure to harmful microorganisms. 
  • Intestinal irregularities – infrequent bowel movements and resulting discomfort is a widespread problem.

Nothing on this page is meant to be perceived as an approved claim.

Want to learn more?

Please contact us for more information about our probiotic solutions for gastrointestinal balance. 

Nutrition Business Journal: 10 key Trend report, per 2007
Science 25 March 2005: Vol. 307 no. 5717 pp.1915-1920  DOI: 10.1126/science.1104816 

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